Foresight Research and Strategy
I've delivered keynotes all over the world based on my research. While most of my talks are not available publicly, I've collected a few highlights below.
Toward an Internet of Actions
Opening keynote for a global conference on digital transformation, April 2019.
Ask a Futurist
A facilitated discussion on technology forecasting and strategies for bridging technology, business and user needs.
The Age of Distributed Superpowers
Opening keynote for Institute for the Future's flagship Ten Year Forecast conference, October 2019
Building Climate-Positive Organizations
Developed as a companion to a research report, this video highlights organizational principles for becoming climate-positive.
Citizens, Communities and Open Health Data
Opening keynote for the Healthy Communities Data Summit focusing on the intersection of health and open data, 2013
Seeds of Disruption
Closing keynote for the Beyond the Line of Sight conference, a global conference on the future of food in Auckland, New Zealand, 2015.